Other Cities
Can You Add My City/Region?
Let your city/region know that you're interested and to contact us.
Can You Tie In More Data (like MLS)?
It's possible, but the data would have to be available for public use. We can also create private versions that include private/confidential data.
Where there concerns on the data? How did you deal with exemptions?
Calculations and notes about the unique aspects about each city's dataset can be found here.
Get updated when new features or extra data (like previous year assessments, building age, etc) are added by signing up for our mailing list below.
For questions, media enquiries about the tool, email me at assessments@darkhorseanalytics.com.
If you're interested in talking to us about a project, you can contact us by phone or email through our website.
This tool was created by Eugene Chen (@ideaOwl) at Darkhorse Analytics (@dhanalytics).
More information on this and our other tools can be found on our portfolio page.